Where can I buy a Marwi gear hanger?
For consumers, please click on the tab CONSUMERS.
For bicycle retail shops, please contact one of the below wholesalers:
The Cycle Division Ltd | |
Phone: | +44 1484 456137 |
Email: | sales@thecycledivision.com |
Web: | www.thecycledivision.com |
Reece Cycles PLC | |
Phone: | +44 121 622 0180 |
Email: | sales@reececycles.co.uk |
Web: | www.reececycles.co.uk |
Parklife (Havant) Ltd | |
Phone: | +44 2392 475895 |
Email: | sales@parklife-parts.com |
Web: | www.parklife-parts.com |
Belvin Cycles | |
Phone: | +44 1268 574 040 |
Email: | sales@professionalcycles.co.uk |
Web: | www.professionalcycles.co.uk |
Motor & Sport | |
Phone: | +44 2897 565544 |
Email: | motorandsport@btconnect.com |
Web: | - |
For consumers, please check your nearest bicycle retail shop.

Remember the number of your gear hanger (for instance GH-001), before you click to one of these webshops. By typing that number in the search box of the webshop, you easily find your hanger.